Naskah Pidato : Examples of speech that we will create, in a nutshell only consists of three parts:
1. Opening
2. Contents Speeches
3. Cover
From the 3rd frame of the speech can we describe each of the following:
Opening, whose name is the opening speeches, like the official speeches, or unofficial, meaning that a speech made in non-formal events. Thank and glorify the greatness of God must always take precedence, and take precedence over the other. Then we give greetings or greeting to the most elder people at the event as a continuation of the opening, followed by greetings and respect to all who attend and listen to our speech.
Contents Speeches
When we will deliver a speech, we must be able to talk using appropriate language with the language and mindset of the people who were present in our speech. Use language that is easily understood by most listeners, do not use foreign terms if the listener's speech we are less able to understand and comprehend their meaning. Because we must be aware, one of the most important function of a speech is that we can deliver all the objectives and purpose of what we say it, the implicit or explicit.
To end a speech, a thank you and appreciation and respect for the audience lest we forget. End the speech we like when we start. Thanksgiving and glorify the greatness of God Almighty, we made a final and the completion of our speech.
The steps and the framework of the speech above, we use not only in religious speech. Any speech that theme still, the stages above may be used as a guide and a guide to doing a good speech.
As a footnote, minimize and shorten our speech, do not add words that are useless and seem long-winded. Brief, clear, solid, and using language that is easily understandable that the most important considerations should be related to the contents of a speech.
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